When it comes to buying flatware for your home, there are several choices that you can make. Certainly, the most popular kinds of flatware that many people prefer is that made from stainless steel or from sterling silver. In this article, we take a look at the difference between stainless steel flatware and sterling silver flatware, along with how to care for it. However, when it comes to buying such flatware there is one major difference you will notice almost immediately between both stainless steel and sterling silver, and that is the price. In many cases, stainless steel flatware is somewhat less expensive than its sterling silver counterpart. But let us first take a look at what these two types of flatware are made from.
Stainless steel flatware is made up of several different types of composite steel, the main ones being chromium and nickel. It is the nickel in this kind of flatware, which helps to provide resistance against the metal becoming corroded. The best type of flatware you can purchase for your home made from these metals is one that has 18% chromium and 10% nickel in its makeup. As for sterling silver, flatware as mentioned previously this is more expensive to purchase than its stainless steel counterpart. But where the above mentioned is made up of composite steel materials, this particular kind of flatware contains more than 90% (92.5%) pure silver and 7.
5% of other metals. In most cases, the additional metal used to make such flatware is copper. What is important however is that when shopping for any new kind of flatware for your home that you take your time over choosing which product it is you want? If you can and are able to when buying it, take the item out of its packaging prior to purchase. This enables you to feel how it sits in your hand and if it is, has the right balance of weight in the handle.
Also, as you look at the products also look at the packaging in which the product is presented. Look at the other information provided on the package a good quality flatware product will show that it meets acceptable standards of manufacture both at home and abroad. When it comes to caring for your flatware there are a number of different products available to ensure that it remains in the best condition possible. Certainly, for stainless steel ones al you need is a good quality cleanser, which can be purchased at your local hardware store or grocery store.
But as well as their being good quality cleaners for stainless steel flatware today you can also get good quality cleaners for sterling silver flatware as well. But these products have been specifically developed in order to help the silver retain its condition, they work to remove sulfur without actually causing any damage or making it warp. One of the easiest ways of ensuring that it stays in tiptop condition is by getting some baking soda (dry) and then rub it on to the metal with your fingers.
Robert is the owner of Replacement Flatware. You can find more information about Sterling Silver Flatware and Stainless Steel Flatware at his website.